Class TextureAbstract

A randomly-accessible array of data.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


context: Context

The rendering context.



  • Get the dimensions of the mip at the given level.


    • level: number

      The level of the mip.

    Returns number[]

    The width, height (if applicable), and depth (if applicable) of the mip, in that order.

  • Make this texture into an immutable-format texture.


    • Optionallevels: number

      The number of levels in the texture, or undefined for one level.

    • Optionalformat: TextureFormat

      The internal format of the texture, or undefined to keep the current format (defaults to RGBA).

    • Optionaldims: number[]

      The dimensions of the texture, or undefined to keep the current dimensions.

    Returns void

    TextureFormatError if the given format is unsized.

    BadValueError if the given dimensions are too small for the given number of levels.

  • Copy the data in a framebuffer into one of this texture's mips.


    • framebuffer: null | Framebuffer

      The framebuffer to copy into the mip, or null for the default framebuffer.

    • Optionallevel: number

      The level of the mip within its mipmap. Defaults to the top mip.

    • Optionalface: CubeFace

      The mipmap that the mip belongs to. Ignored by non-cubemap textures.

    • Optionalbounds: Rectangle | Prism

      The bounds of the mip to be updated. Defaults to the entire mip if not set.

    • Optionaltype: TextureDataType

      The type of the given data. Must be compatible with the format of the given data.

    • OptionalunpackAlignment: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

      The alignment to use when unpacking the data, or undefined to let this be automatically determined.

    • Optionalarea: Rectangle | Prism

      The area of the framebuffer to copy into the mip.

    Returns void

    TextureFormatError if the given data type is incompatible with this texture's format.

  • Copy the data in a buffer into one of this texture's mips.


    • buffer: VertexBuffer

      The buffer to copy into the mip.

    • level: undefined | number

      The level of the mip within its mipmap. Defaults to the top mip.

    • face: undefined | CubeFace

      The mipmap that the mip belongs to. Ignored by non-cubemap textures.

    • bounds: undefined | Rectangle | Prism

      The bounds of the mip to be updated. Defaults to the entire mip if not set.

    • type: undefined | TextureDataType

      The type of the given data. Must be compatible with the format of the given data.

    • unpackAlignment: undefined | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

      The alignment to use when unpacking the data, or undefined to let this be automatically determined.

    • size: number

      The number of bytes of data to copy from the buffer.

    • offset: number

      The offset in bytes from the start of the buffer to start copying at.

    Returns void

    TextureFormatError if the given data type is incompatible with this texture's format.

  • Copy data into one of this texture's mips.


    • Optionaldata: TexImageSource

      The data to copy into the mip.

    • Optionallevel: number

      The level of the mip within its mipmap. Defaults to the top mip.

    • Optionalface: CubeFace

      The mipmap that the mip belongs to. Ignored by non-cubemap textures.

    • Optionalbounds: Rectangle | Prism

      The bounds of the mip to be updated. Defaults to the entire mip if not set.

    • Optionaltype: TextureDataType

      The type of the given data. Must be compatible with the format of the given data.

    • OptionalunpackAlignment: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

      The alignment to use when unpacking the data, or undefined to let this be automatically determined.

    Returns void

    TextureFormatError if the given data type is incompatible with this texture's format.

  • Copy the data in an array into one of this texture's mips.


    • array: ArrayBufferView<ArrayBufferLike>

      The array to copy into the mip.

    • Optionallevel: number

      The level of the mip within its mipmap. Defaults to the top mip.

    • Optionalface: CubeFace

      The mipmap that the mip belongs to. Ignored by non-cubemap textures.

    • Optionalbounds: Rectangle | Prism

      The bounds of the mip to be updated. Defaults to the entire mip if not set.

    • Optionaltype: TextureDataType

      The type of the given data. Must be compatible with the format of the given data.

    • OptionalunpackAlignment: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

      The alignment to use when unpacking the data, or undefined to let this be automatically determined.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The offset from the start of the array to start copying at, or undefined for the start of the array.

    • Optionallength: number

      The number of elements to copy from the array, or undefined for the entire array.

    Returns void

    TextureFormatError if the given data type is incompatible with this texture's format.