Class GlBufferAbstract

An array of binary data.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • get isHalf(): boolean
  • Whether or not this buffer contains 16-bit floating-point data if it contains floating-point data.

    Returns boolean


  • Sets the data in this buffer.


    • data: number | ArrayBufferView

      The data to store in this buffer or the size to set this buffer's data store to in bytes.

    • Optionalusage: BufferUsage

      The intended usage of the buffer.

    • Optionaloffset: number

      The index of the element to start reading the supplied data at.

    • OptionalisHalf: boolean

      Whether or not the data contains 16-bit floating-point data if it contains floating-point data.

    Returns void

  • Updates a subset of the data in this buffer.


    • data: ArrayBufferView

      The data to store in this buffer.

    • _: never

      An ignored value.

    • offset: number

      The index of the element to start reading the supplied data at.

    • __: never

      An ignored value.

    • replaceOffset: number

      The offset in bytes to start replacing data at.

    Returns void